Tutor Mark Assignment in NIOS


What is a tutor marked assignment?

Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) are meant to help you learn and be a successful student. They provide you practice in writing answers to questions and get feedback. ABSENT is marked in the mark sheet if the assignments are not submitted on time in the column for grades of TMAs.

What is TMA paper?

Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) is one such means TMA helps in developing regular study habits in students and give students practice in writing responses to questions thereby having a kind of rehearsal in the preparation for the final examination. You can get it Within 5 Minutes Anywhere in India (e-copy).

What is the importance of TMA?

Important advantages of the TMA technology are speed (parallel analysis of up to a thousand tissues), cost efficiency (the same amount of reagents required for a single large-section analysis is sufficient for a thousand samples), and standardisation (the same experimental conditions are applied to all samples).

How do I get my TMA results?

Once you submitted your TMA, nearly after 15 -20 days from the due date of TMA submission your marks would start reflecting in the Student Portal Dashboard, now what you have to do just login in your dashboard, click on "Apply for TMA" under "Public Exam" where you can see your marks.

What is TMA late fee?

TMA late fee is Rs 1500/- per subject.

What happens if I don't submit TMA?

What happends in case TMAs are not Submitted? ABSENT is marked in the marksheet if the assignments are not submitted on time in the column for grades of TMAs. An ABSENT in the marksheet in the column for grades will not be acceptable to any student, so one should pay important concern to it.

Can I pass NIOS without TMA?

Hello, No, its not required and its definitely not compulsory to submit TMA because it is not a part of On-Demand examination in NIOS.

Can I submit TMA late?

Penalties for late submission shall be 10% of the total mark of the TMA for each day of late submission up to six calendar days after the due date.

Can I submit NIOS TMA after last date?

The last date for the submission of Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) has been extended by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). Candidates can now submit their NIOS TMA till March 10, 2022, through the official website-- nios.ac.in.

How is TMA marks in NIOS?

Internal Assessment (IA) including Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) in Secondary and Senior Secondary Examinations will carry 20% weightage in the External Examination and the marks will be shown separately and added to the marks obtained in the External Theory Examination and Practicals (wherever applicable).

How do I submit TMA online?

Instructions/Steps for Online submission of the Awards i.e Marks for the TMA

1.        Click on the below link for Online Submission of the Marks for the TMA

2.       To have more authentication and secured system Regional Centre is provided with the User ID and the Password of each Study Centre of the concerned Region

3.       The Coordinator of the Study Centre AI will obtain the User ID and Password from the Regional Centre. (If obtained earlier i.e for earlier session then the same USERID and the Password will work which AI is using for the Submission of TMA Awards) 

4.       To enter into the System for submission of the TMA Award Study Centre has to provide the User ID, AI NO and the Password

5.        Mandatory - Once you enter into the system, Kindly click on the change Password and change the Password. After changing the Password kindly keep it in a safe place so that you may remember for further use

6.       In case Coordinator Forget the password after changing then one has to contact the Respective Regional Centre to obtain the new Password

7.        Once you enter into the system the detail like Enrolmentno, Name, Subjects and Marks column will appear on the screen.

8.       Click the button Add from the Add Marks column.

9.       12. The interface for entering the marks of that particular Learner will appear, kindly fill the marks and click the Submit Button. Before clicking the Submit Button kindly verify the marks because after submission no changes can be done

10.     After successful entry of the marks of all learners of your AI, kindly take the print out of the same

11.      On the print out kindly put your Signature and the seal of the AI and Send it to the concerned Regional Centre for further action.

12.     The system for entering the marks is open upto 15th oct., 2018. No Marks will be allowed to enter after 15th Oct. 2018 by the Study Centre.

13.     SOP for Submission of TMA Award by the Study Centre (510 KB) PDF File 

How much is NIOS TMA fees?

NIOS exam fees 2022 for public exams is Rs 250 per theory subject and Rs 120 per practical.

A Common Man

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